August 25, 2017
Melinda Garcia Watson ([email protected]) - Dear Classmates, Am so disappointed that I will not be able to be there with you this weekend. My thoughts are with you all, as you celebrate 50 years of High School memories. I have lots of great memories.....Choir with Albert McNeil, all those great musicals, Hostess Club, Key Club...soooo much more. My older siblings, and younger brother all went to Dorsey, so it's quite the tradition in my family. Enjoy yourselves at all the great festivities, and have FUN! Warm Thoughts to all~ Melinda (Garcia) Watson
Melinda Garcia Watson ([email protected]) - Dear Classmates, Am so disappointed that I will not be able to be there with you this weekend. My thoughts are with you all, as you celebrate 50 years of High School memories. I have lots of great memories.....Choir with Albert McNeil, all those great musicals, Hostess Club, Key Club...soooo much more. My older siblings, and younger brother all went to Dorsey, so it's quite the tradition in my family. Enjoy yourselves at all the great festivities, and have FUN! Warm Thoughts to all~ Melinda (Garcia) Watson
manual scott
Manual Scott sends his greetings to everyone!